The above graphic shows the profit potential for an 11"
x 17" 308 piece cardboard jigsaw puzzle.
Based on a selling price of $24.95 each

The above graphic shows the profit potential for an 8.5"
x 11" 48 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle.
Based on a selling price of $85.00 each
Some wooden puzzle manufacturers charge upward
of $300 for their wooden puzzles.
This is one of those rare business opportunities
that you hear about and wish you had been in on, in the early
stages. This is your chance.
The earlier that you start to advertise and promote your business,
the more income you will achieve, particularly in peak periods
such as the Christmas season.
Another market area emerging over the past year
is in advertising. Companies looking for unusual mail
outs that get noticed are increasingly looking at jigsaw puzzles
to fill that need. With all the junk mail that each of
us receives daily, we hardly give most of it a second glance
- think of the unique appeal a jigsaw puzzle would have.
Profits for these type of puzzles are usually about 1 to 2 dollars
- however, you are dealing with hundreds to thousands.
Our equipment may also be used to create magnetic jigsaw
puzzles from the same material that refrigerator magnets
are made from.
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Graffiti Graphics Ltd.